flagSo we’re almost through February. It's likely that your New Year’s resolution is failing right about now…. Why is this? Because most resolutions are things that we view as obligations. They’re things that we feel like we should do. Things like losing weight, quitting smoking, getting a new job, etc. You know you need to do these things, you know you want to do these things, but you never actually get around to doing anything about them, or at least not for long. Or, maybe you are trying but your efforts don’t seem to be working.

The secret to changing your results is to change your approach. And as long as you continue to view these things as obligations, you’re not likely to achieve them.  This year, turn your obligations into inspirations. Running from something negative is never as effective as running towards something positive. What exactly do I mean by this?

Think about the concept of running from something. Since you aren’t actually running towards anything, you could potentially be running forever. That thing that you don’t like (your dead end job, bad boss, etc.) will just keep metaphorically chasing you forever. However, when you are running towards something, there is an actual destination, an end point (a satisfying job, an appreciative boss). Turning this concept around will change the results you get. Anyone who has ever been a parent or a teacher, knows about the concept of positive reinforcement. So why don’t we use that with ourselves?

When is the last time you asked yourself, “Why do I really want to make this change in my life?” (No matter what it is, career-related or not.) Am I taking inspired action towards a better life, or am I just resisting my current situation and hoping that it will change? Focusing on the negative aspects of what’s currently going on in your job will only keep you in the status quo. However, feeling gratitude for the good things about it and taking inspired action towards improving it, well, that feels a lot better.

So, go ahead and ditch that New Year’s resolution. Instead, make some New Year’s inspirations and decide to focus your thoughts and energy on what you do want in life, not what you don’t.
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