business-peopleI read a quote recently that truly stopped me in my tracks. It summarizes everything that I stand for, personally and professionally. In fact, I would go as far as saying it summarizes the reason why I started WorkSmart Career Counseling in the first place.  The quote is from author and entrepreneur Seth Godin and says:

Instead of wondering when your next vacation is, maybe you should set up a life you don't need to escape from.”

Perfectly stated.

Do you find yourself just getting through the work week and living for the weekend? This is a very toxic way to live. I would know because I have found myself in this position in the past. I believe that the pain and resistance that you feel is a warning signal that something is wrong. Something in your life, in this case your job, is no longer aligned with you. Maybe your priorities have changed. Or maybe something about the job has changed and feels like it’s no longer serving you.

Many people believe that this is a normal part of life. That’s why they call it work, right? It’s not supposed to be enjoyable. Wrong. If you want to live that way, that’s fine. Personally, I believe that we are meant to live extraordinary lives. That’s exactly why I began my company. I wanted to work on my own terms, doing something that was a better expression of my talents and interests and also served other people. Of course, not everyone is meant to work for themselves. Many of us can, and do, find fulfillment and joy in working for other people. What matters is that you figure out what is most important to you and work toward achieving it.

Sometimes, making a change may mean that you need to switch to a different position or a different department within the company. Sometimes you need to change companies altogether. And sometimes…you need to change yourself. That doesn’t mean that there’s anything wrong with you. It just means that you might need to look inward and find out what has changed inside of you that is causing you to feel trapped or unhappy.

Think about the quote from Seth Godin. In what ways can you make your work situation (or other areas of your life) better so that you don’t feel the need to escape it all the time? Now, this is not to assume that everyone reading this is sitting around miserable and hating their lives. For many people, it may not be that bad.  But if you do find yourself dreading Mondays (I’ve affectionately dubbed it “the Sunday night blues”), then quiet your mind and listen to that inner voice. What is it about your current situation that you are resisting? What can you do to work towards changing that? There is always something you can do. You are never powerless.

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