The more clients I meet with, the more I am running into this question: What if I don’t know what I want to do for a living? This can be a big challenge for many people who don’t feel drawn to one, well-defined career path, such as a doctor or a teacher.

First, let’s get one thing clear. It is absolutely okay to be 25 years old, or 35 years old, or even 45 years old and not know what you want to do. It’s important to first recognize that people are complex creatures with more than one talent or gift. Throw away the notion that you have to pick one career path and be happy with it. As soon as you can do that, you’ve taken an enormous amount of pressure off of yourself. You cannot make a good decision with that kind of pressure.

Most people end of up doing more than one type of thing in their career and I am certainly no exception!  My two educational degrees have nothing to do with each other! But I am okay with that because I have allowed myself the room to go in whatever direction I feel pulled in at that time, even if it’s a departure from what I’ve done, or what I thought I wanted to do. When you allow yourself that freedom, you open up a world of possibilities.

My advice to someone who is unsure of what they want to do is to focus on the present moment. What feels appealing to you right now? Don’t worry about 5 years from now, or even one year from now. When you go through life doing what is needed in the present moment, you will find that the future will create itself.

There are certainly a host of personality tests and career assessments out there to tell you who you are and what you should be doing with your life. It’s okay to use those, and there are plenty of career coaches out there who administer them. However, if you come to me for help in choosing a career, we’re going to take a very different approach. We are going to sit down over a cup of coffee and hash it out like two best friends. We’ll talk about what you like, don’t like and what scares the hell out of you. We’ll accomplish the same of thing as the tests, but in in a much more casual way. If that sounds like something that could work for you, then give me a call.

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