• How To Negotiate A Raise (And Get It!)

    How many of you out there have actually negotiated more money? Many people shy away from asking for more money because of the fear of rejection.

    What if they say no?

    What if it makes it awkward with your boss?

    Well, I’m here to tell you that you can do this. It’s actually a very normal thing to do and it may not be completely comfortable, but it doesn’t have to make things awkward. I’ve done it myself and got the raise.  If you want to learn how to confidently and successfully ask for a raise, this article is for you. I will share three practical strategies and some dialogue for your next negotiation.

    Do your research. It goes without saying that you need to know ...
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  • Position Yourself For A Promotion

    What is the secret to getting ahead at work?

    Why do some people get promoted over others?

    I’ve managed, trained and promoted dozens of people in my career. In fact, my first management position was when I was just 19. No doubt, it's frustrating and de-motivating when you don’t get picked for the job, especially when the person who did get the promotion has been with the company less time or has less experience. This happens! It’s happened to me.

    First, we need to clear up a big misconception about what it takes to get promoted. A lot of people think that getting promoted is about doing really well in the current role. If you're a star performer and get a perfect score on your reviews, you'll surely get promoted. Well, maybe. ...
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  • Why You Should Change Jobs Every Five Years

    It used to be the standard advice that you should stay with one employer as long as you can and be happy that you have a job. I know this because I work with mid and late career job seekers, people who grew up in world where it was normal to stay somewhere for 20 or 30 years and retire. We all know that those days are long gone, but is that a bad thing?

    If you want to stay current in your skills, make more money and be happier with your career, then no, it's not a bad thing. Believe it or not, there are significant benefits to changing jobs more frequently. And by frequently, I mean about every five to seven years. I don't mean every one to two years. That’s a little quick and then you are going to look ...
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  • Are You Headed for A Career Burnout?

    We spend a large portion of our lives at work often seeing our coworkers more than our own families. I’m sure you’ve heard that saying before and for many people it’s true. In fact, It’s been estimated that you will spend about 90,000 hours of your life working, or roughly 1/3 of your life. That’s assuming that you work 40 hours a week from age 20 to 65 with 2 weeks of vacation a year. So you can imagine, working long hours—as we’re known to do here in the U.S— coupled with long commutes often an hour or more each way, and feelings of unfulfillment, underappreciation, etc. is a recipe for career burnout. And worse than that, depression. And career burnout = life burnout. If you hate your job, you’ll hate your life.

    When we experience chronic stress from our jobs, it bleeds into ...
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  • How To Be More Engaged At Work (Even In Your Current Job)

    It’s estimated that 70% of U.S. workers are disengaged. If I were to ask everyone reading this if you’ve ever felt disengaged at your job, I think that every hand would go up. Do a Google search and you’ll find a plethora of articles, research and experts and so on, all weighing in on this topic.

    Employee engagement has become the holy grail in today’s workplace. Companies everywhere are scrambling to figure out how to gain more productivity and loyalty from their employees. They’re doing studies and hiring consultants, they’re doing employee surveys and anything else they can think of. Meanwhile, employees everywhere are trying to figure out how to not hate their jobs. As I said, I think everyone has experienced disengagement at some point. To a certain degree, it's normal. There are going to be peaks and valleys ...
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  • LinkedIn’s Newest Feature: Career Advice

    When I coach clients on LinkedIn, I always make the distinction that LinkedIn serves as a networking tool first, and job board second. Its primary purpose is to help you make new connections and nurture your current ones, in order to support your long-term career growth.

    Since Microsoft purchased LinkedIn, we've seen a number of new features rolled out. The latest is Career Advice. This feature helps you to identify mentors within your industry who can provide advice, and possibly other connections. You fill out a short form about what type of advice you are seeking and LinkedIn will send you notifications with people who can support you. The concept of a mentor can be useful whether you are a job seeker, business owner, or otherwise.

    With or without this feature, seeking out mentors in your line of ...
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  • Changing Jobs More Often Might Benefit You

    Millenials today get criticized quite a bit for being “job hoppers.” Employer loyalty has eroded, they say, and no one stays anywhere for more than three years or so. It could also be argued that employers no longer have the loyalty to employees that they used to have, either. Take the elimination of retirement pensions as a prime example of that.

    An alternate perspective is that changing jobs every couple of years can actually be advantageous. Here’s what we know about people who change jobs more often:

    They earn more money. When employees stay with one employer, they can expect a 2%-3% increase each year in most cases. When employees accept new offers from outside their company, they average a salary increase between 10% and 20% (Forbes, 2014).

    They have more current skills. After about three years at ...
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  • Passive Job Seeking: What It Means For You

    They say that the best time to get a job is when you already have one. For several reasons, this is true. Of course, life doesn’t always work that way and nearly everyone will experience a separation from an employer at some point. What matters is that you are prepared and ready to hit the ground running in your job search. Or, maybe you’ve already been scouting out a few prospects. Hence, “passive job seeking”. This phrase has come to describe those who are still employed, and are generally content, but will entertain the thought of a new offer.

    Passive job seeking has reached an entirely new level these days due to LinkedIn and similar sites. In private coaching sessions with clients, I do talk about the role of LinkedIn profiles, though I’ve never believed that every single person ...
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  • Millennials And The Workforce Today

    So much has been written about the millennial generation, particularly when it comes to the workforce. Millennials are roughly those born in the early 1980s to early 2000s, although that number varies depending on what chart you consult. Millennials, who make up a hearty one third of the workforce, have gotten a reputation for being many things, from lazy and impatient, to entitled and addicted to technology. And themselves.  But isn’t every generation just a product of their times? Wouldn’t today’s baby boomers be the same way if they grew up in the same world (and with the same technology) as the millennials?

    As a millennial myself, I know that life is substantially different now than when my parents were my age. I can only guess how it will be different for my six year old daughter when she is my age. This ...
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  • Can You Discuss Your Salary At Work? The Answer Might Surprise You



    We all know that we aren’t supposed to talk about compensation with our coworkers, right? It’s supposed to be one of the biggest office “faux paus” out there. I always believed this myself in my career and I can recall one particular employer of mine who had a firm rule about this and was straightforward with employees that they could be terminated for talking about their salaries. In fact, I can still recall the conversation with my boss years ago when she was moving me to a management role and we were discussing my new salary. She informed me that disclosing this to anyone else could lead to termination. It honestly made sense to me at the time and I didn’t question it for second.

    Typically speaking, you tend ...
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