programmerThe primary service that clients come to WorkSmart for is, of course, the resume. It’s a cumbersome and time-consuming process with so many different “rules” to follow. There is also a plethora of free advice out there that is often conflicting and sometimes questionable. Having a great resume that shows off your strengths is generally the most important part of the job search, but it’s not all of it. What good is a resume if you interview poorly and then don’t get the job? Or, if you don’t know which jobs you are qualified for and where to find them?

Simply put, the resume alone is not enough and this is where a resume writer or career coach can add tremendous value and save you a significant amount of time. Through WorkSmart Career Counseling, I show clients how to create a comprehensive job search strategy that includes the following seven steps:

  1. Determining the right jobs for you
  2. Knowing where to find those jobs
  3. Creating a compelling and complete resume and cover letter
  4. Applying for jobs and tracking your results
  5. Mastery of Interviewing skills 
  6. Networking and/or creating and maximizing a LinkedIn profile
  7. Negotiating a fair salary

Few people are approaching their job search this way. Many of us just throw our work history on a piece of paper and start firing it off.  Think of it this way: If your car breaks down and you don’t know how to fix it, where do you take it? To a professional mechanic. Same for your computer, right? Your resume and job search is no different. If it isn’t working for you, take it to a professional.

Every one of these steps is important in the process and neglecting one of them can prevent you from landing the job you want. If your current job search does not include one of those steps listed above, you may be hurting your own progress. As competitive as the job market is, most people do not have the luxury of taking any part of  their job search for granted.  Need help crafting a job search strategy? Contact me through my website or email today and we’ll get started.

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