Chat-iconMany people are hesitant to invest in a résumé writing service given the amount of free résumé and job search advice that is available on the internet. They are correct, the internet is OVERFLOWING with free “information.” It amazes me that so many people are wiling to put their career prospects in the hands of strangers who happen to have internet access.

So I decided to do an internet search for résumé help and see what kind of advice I could find out there. Should be interesting, right?

What I found was exactly what I expected. If you want a résumé full of over-used, meaningless phrases such as “Proven track record…” or “Demonstrated success...” then  the internet can absolutely help you! These phrases make my stomach churn. Not only are these phrases so over-used that they’ve lost their meaning, they don’t prove anything to the person reading it. Anybody can write that they’ve been successful at something, but that doesn’t mean it’s “proven” or “demonstrated”.

Résumés that use these phrases are also neglecting the true purpose of a résumé. The purpose is showcase your strengths and skills. The purpose is not to see how many fancy words or worn out catchphrases you know, or that you can copy and paste from the internet. It’s all about substance, folks!

If I read a résumé that said, “Hard-working sales professional with demonstrated success in closing sales,” the first thing I would ask that person is: Do you you talk like that in real life? If it sounds fake, it is. If it doesn’t sound like you, don’t use it. This your résumé, not some random person’s résumé that you found on the internet. And that brings us to the other problem with writing your resume off of the internet. The advice you’ll receive is completely generic and standardized for the masses. It doesn’t actually represent you in any way.

So, it goes back to the old adage that says, “You get what you pay for.” Investing in a résumé is a way of investing in yourself and moving past the ordinary. It’s about moving past what you’ve already tried, what everyone else is doing, and what’s free and quick.

Are you ready to move past ordinary? Are you ready to stop settling for what’s quick, free and easy? Are you ready to finally to learn how to do a job search right?

If what you are doing hasn’t been working, it’s time to try something new. Contact WorkSmart Career Counseling today!
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