For some things in life, we can get by with being a little outdated. Your style of clothes or hair, perhaps. A job search is not one of those things. The modern job search involves more than a résumé. Applicants today are applying to jobs with their LinkedIn profiles and their mobile phones. Just 10 years ago, neither of these were concerns. So if you’ve been in the same job, or out of the game completely for several years, it’s time to brush up!

With the onset of online job boards, hundreds of people are often applying for one position. This means that the modern job search is a very impersonal process. Technology has a way of doing that to many aspects of life. Calling an employer to follow up, or applying in person, used to be encouraged. Today, those actions are likely to be seen as pushy and unwelcome, which is unfortunate.

Here are a few quick tips to make sure your job search is up to date:

  1. Get on LinkedIn. If you haven’t joined yet, I would highly recommend it. Recruiters are on LinkedIn every single day doing keyword searches for candidates with your type of skills. Even if you haven’t applied to a job, recruiters will still reach out to you if you have skills they are looking for. Or, once you’ve applied to a job, recruiters and managers will look at your profile before calling you for an interview.

  1. Download the Indeed app on your phone. is quickly becoming known as one of the best job boards there is. It’s an aggregate site, which means it pulls job listings from many of the other sites, such as Monster and CareerBuilder, to compile them all in one spot. The Indeed app for your phone is very easy to use and lets you apply to many jobs right on your phone with a saved résumé .

  1. Don’t overlook Facebook. Think Facebook doesn’t matter in your job search? Think again. In my area, there is a private Facebook group called “Jobs in Loudoun County” that you can join that is exclusively for job seekers and employers who are hiring. Employers post their listings and actively look for candidates in these groups. I have personally gotten a face to face interview from this site. It works! Search for a similar one in your area. Of course, that means don’t put anything on your profile that you wouldn’t want an employer to see because, trust me, they can see it.

Job searching has evolved greatly in just the last few years. For those of us who have grown up with technology, it may feel completely normal. For others, it may feel completely foreign and awkward. Need more help? Call me and we’ll come with a plan together to get your job search in the right decade!
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